Sentiero Screening
The SENTIERO screener is suitable for testing all ages from Newborn and upwards utilizing rapid two frequency simultaneous DPOAE and with the option to add a built-in Pure Tone Screening audiometer. SENTIERO screener is dedicated to perform screening tests with an outstanding test performance based on over 20 years of PATH MEDICAL experience. Suitable for all ages, SENTIERO screener provides reliable results combined with simple and efficient operation.
The SENTIERO screener is suitable for testing all ages from Newborn and upwards utilizing rapid two frequency simultaneous DPOAE and with the option to add a built-in Pure Tone Screening audiometer. SENTIERO screener is dedicated to perform screening tests with an outstanding test performance based on over 20 years of PATH MEDICAL experience. Suitable for all ages, SENTIERO screener provides reliable results combined with simple and efficient operation.
The SENTIERO screener is suitable for testing all ages from Newborn and upwards utilizing rapid two frequency simultaneous DPOAE and with the option to add a built-in Pure Tone Screening audiometer. SENTIERO screener is dedicated to perform screening tests with an outstanding test performance based on over 20 years of PATH MEDICAL experience. Suitable for all ages, SENTIERO screener provides reliable results combined with simple and efficient operation.